ስለ እኛ

እንኳን ወደ አዲስ አበባ ከተማ አስተዳደር ፍትህ ቢሮ በደህና መጡ

According to the Decree No. 84/2016 issued by the Addis Ababa City Administration to re-establish the executive bodies of the city and re-establish their powers and responsibilities, the Addis Ababa City Administration Justice Bureau re-established

የቪዲዮ መግቢያ ስለ ድርጅቱ
image description

የአዲስ አበባ ኮሚኒኬሽን ቢሮ አጭር ታሪክ

  • image description


    የአዲስ አበባ ከተማ አስተዳደር የአስፈፃሚ አካላትን እንደገና ሲያደራጅ በአዋጅ ቁጥር 84/2016 ከተቋቋሙት ቢሮዎች ውስጥ አንዱ ፍትህ ቢሮ ነው፡፡ቢሮው በአዋጅ የተሰጡትን ስልጣንና ተግባር እውን ለማድረግ የመካከለኛ ጊዜ ራዕይውን ‹‹ በ2022 በኢትዩጵያ የፍትህ ተቋማት ተምሣሌት ሆኖ ማየት ›› በሚል ዓላማ እና የከተማ አስተዳደሩንና የነዋሪውን መብትና ጥቅም በማክበርና በማስከበር፣ ንቃተ ሕግ እንዲዳብር በማድረግ፣ የሕግ ተፈፃሚነትን በማረጋገጥ የላቀ የፍትህ አገልግሎት መስጠት ዋና ተልዕኮውን በማድረግ ለከተማዋ ነዋሪዎችና ለአስተዳደሩ አገልግሎት እየሰጠ የሚገኝ ተቋም ነው፡፡

የጎብኚዎች አስተያየት

Navigating the website was a breeze, with a user-friendly interface that allowed me to easily explore all the services they offer. The layout is not only visually appealing but also intuitively designed, making it simple to find the information I was looking for. Whether it was details about their various fitness programs, class schedules, or membership options, everything was just a click away. Abdurahman Abdurahman CTO


Providing superior judicial services by respecting and enforcing the rights and interests of the city administration and the residents, developing awareness of the law, and ensuring the enforcement of the law.


Seeing Ethiopia's Judicial Institutions as a Model in 2022 ››


Accountability: Diversity: Transparency: Integrity
Creating consensus: Respecting the value of time
Playing a leading role in image building